About us

DELIPURE project as well as more established PURETASTE.cz project have been motivated by personal commitment to the development of healthy, taste perfect, grain-free meals.

Number of very interesting meals, pastries and delicacies have been created alongside the development of the grain-free bread PURETASTE.cz. These have so far been presented only within PURETASTE.cz portfolio. As there recently has been growing demand for wider range of healthy products, we have also been facing the needs for bigger production capacities and more staff. That is the reason, why we would already like to partner up with somebody educated, oriented and eager enough who will accept the challenge and help us launch more of DELIPUREproducts on wider market.

Owner: Ilona Dostálová +420 722 959 223
English speaker: Karel Kucera: +420 774 829 901

info@puretaste.cz / IČ: 07994 508

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